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Susan M. Miller MD. Professor Boris G. Yudin.
My academic relationship with Professor Boris Yudin began when we used the writings of Tolstoy, Bulgakov and Solzhenitsyn to explore the nuanced bioethical concepts inherent within Russian literature. These discussions reinforced our understanding of beneficence, justice, confidentiality and autonomy and how they applied to the physician-patient relationship. Unlike Tolstoy, Boris did not surround himself with disciples. Instead, he filled his life with colleagues and friends through his gravitas, respect, decency, humility, resilience and generosity of spirit. Boris bestowed his sense of humanity and kindness upon all he met. He was not blind to the vicissitudes and frailties of human nature, but he balanced his observations with compassion and articulated social justice.
Over the years, I was able to observe Boris’s virtuous behaviors “when no one was looking.” For example, he was one of those rare people who wrote individualized thank you notes whereby he articulated his gratitude for you being in his life. He was always charmed by children and vice versa. In his gentle conversations with them, they became the center of his universe and soon they would share stories and laugh over a reciprocal moment of humor. Even in social competitions, Boris would raise his arms and applaud not only his colleagues but also his “opponents.” Most importantly however, he always spoke from a position of truth and never use words or actions to cast aspersions on other people.
In medicine, one has to promptly assess a person or a situation. With Boris, it was quickly apparent he exceeded the cultural standards for moral rectitude. To truly appreciate the depth of his soul, you only had to look into his eyes. From this communication, you could discern wisdom, humor, mischief, dignity, grace, tranquility, and rarely, suffering. His approach to his own personal suffering was not based on self-pity. He did not panic over the concept of death. Rather he focused on how to live each day and how to fulfill his responsibilities to those of his most beloved inner circle. This is one of his cardinal legacies. We do not need the promise and fear of eternity to influence our daily behaviors. Although Boris occasionally considered the meaning of the mysterious transition and sovereignty associated with death, his intrinsic priorities and ultimate purpose in life were his family. For this we must be eternally grateful to them for sharing dear Boris with us.
Susan M. Miller MD
August 14, 2017
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